My 84-year-old Dad had been wearing his gold expansion band watch for years. The watch is large with a cracked face. For the past several months the watch has remained stopped at six o’clock.

Dad has been hard of hearing and mostly non-verbal for the past year. My sister, Jean, catches his eye and says, “How are you doing, Dad?”

He looks at her, smiles, and raises his shoulders to his ears.  It’s another good day.

She asks, “What time is it?” and points to her wrist.

He holds up his watch for her to see.

“Six o’clock.” She chuckles and he joins her.  It’s their private joke. “At least he’s right twice a day,” Jean tells Mom.

They repeat the routine for months until last week when my father is called to his eternal home.

My dad was called home on the day and time appointed for him, June 16, 2018. And by the way, he died at six o’clock.

It will be our turn to head home someday. The heavenly clock ticks for each of us. Jesus lovingly reminds us He has gone to prepare a place for us. He tells us no one knows the hour or day that God will call us home, but He asks us to be ready.  Our ticket has been paid in full. What a comfort it is to know that even though we live in this troubled world, for now, God has a plan to rescue us for all eternity and at the appointed time, the Father will welcome us home.

Mark 13:32 – But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.