Today we welcome, Susan May Warren, one of my favorite authors.

Susan, I’m finishing my first novel and realizing it is time to jump into the social media world.  Can you share some tips with me and fellow authors to help me get started?

Do you have a favorite social media platform?  What makes it a favorite for you?

Right now, I’m loving Instagram. I can choose who I want to follow and quickly scroll through images to see the ones that interest me. I think this is a powerful platform that I’ll be utilizing for my book promotions also.

How do you use socialmedia to build relationships without a hard-sell focus?

The key is just what you said…build relationships. I feel it’s important to live a transparent life, so I share who I am, what I believe, and the things that are important to me, as well as try and encourage others to do the same. I love to encourage people so that is my goal for social media. My information is available on my posts and emails so people don’t need to search hard how to find information about my books. I also send out something specific when a book comes out, but I’m rarely in sales mode—and I think that is the key. I am interested in people’s lives,and my hope is that is what comes through in my SM.

What advice would you give a new author for how to market oneself in the days before they have a book to market?

People want to be inspired. So if you share your journey towards publication as well as your life-moments, and how you are navigating this world, it will draw in your audience. I’ve found my most popular posts are ones where I share my life, my family, struggles…whatever.  And, I don’t spend a lot of time planning my marketing—I simply share what is in my heart/mind for the moment.  If it happens to be about a current book project or release, then that’s good. But I am sort of a natural marketer—it’s my personality type to reach out and connect, so those who aren’t comfortablewith that might want to set up a schedule, or even a theme of their marketing.

As far the as the kind of marketing you are doing—the goal is always to get people on your newsletter list. This is where you form relationships. So, whether you are a podcaster, or an image-builder (meaning, Pinterest or Instagram) or discussion-maker (Twitter), always have links back to your website and your freebie (the giveaway you use to ask people to sign up for your list). Then, once they are on your list, you can start to nurture that audience with regular communication.

How do you balance the need to stay focused as a writer and the need to be active in social media?

Writing always comes first. If I’m also worried about my SM, then I can’t concentrate on my writing. So, I usually spend about 2 hours/week on it—maybe Monday morning, putting together images or posts, and then perhaps Thursday morning, doing the same for the weekend. I might also write a newsletter that day, so maybe an extra hour every three weeks for my newsletter. The rest of the time is spent responding to posts, or answering emails or encouraging people on FB or Instagram. I know other authors spend more time, but I’m of a mind that if people like your work, they’ll follow you, and read your emails when they show up. At some point, you have to relax and let your work speak for itself.

How can authors connect to one another and collaborate to create wider social media presence?

I’m a fan of group giveaways. You can create a tidal wave of SM if you include a slew of other authors. Ask people to sign up for the giveaway, with the understanding they’ll be added to the newsletter lists of all the authors, then give away a great gift (e.g. books from all the authors!) I’ve also joined forces with other authors to create a book collection (e.g. 6 suspense books).  This is another way to gain new readers—the readers of your author friends might become your readers, also.

How do you layout a marketing campaign?

Oh, this is a great question.  And I’ve taught some hour-long classes on this, so I’ll summarize:

  1. Where are you launching your book?  The answer will give you the places where you need to advertise your book. Amazon only?  Then of course you’ll focus on Amazon. Wide?You’ll look at all the retailers and advertise on their platforms, includingprint ads.
  2. Create ad schedule,including pre-order time and post-launch time. You’ll have different ad copy for different phases of your launch.
  3. Create your FB posts,Instagram images and Tweets. (again, different for each phase of the launch)
  4. Set up your FREE advertising—blogs,reviews, podcasts, radio, etc. 
  5. Compose your newsletterblasts – I usually send one/month until I get into pre-release time (60 days inadvance) and I email more often.  Then, acouple emails during release week.
  6. After the launch, gatheryour reviews and start to put those up—social proof is a powerful way to sellbooks

What is your latest project? 

I’m just getting ready to launch a fabulous new series for 2019—a family series called The Montana Marshalls.  The first book is KNOX and comes out in March 2019.  We’ll have 5 books in one year, so it’s quite ambitious, but focused on those readers who love to binge read.  The second book, TATE releases in July, then the others will follow in August, September and October.


Can she outrun her past into the arms of a Montana rancher?

Montana rancher, Knox Marshall’s, danger years are behind him. A former bull-rider, he now runs the Marshall family ranch, raising champion bucking bulls for the National Professional Bullrider’s Expo (NBR-X). But although he’s successful and wealthy, at 30, he can’t help but wonder if his best years are behind him. His life is stable, expected and…boring.

Kelsey Jones just wants a safe life, a family, a home. Well, at least when she’s off stage. Onstage, she’s the beautiful rising star of the country trio, the Yankee Belles. Onstage, she becomes the person she longs to be,vivacious and confident, not the mess she knows she is inside, the result of a violent attack years earlier. But certainly, the more success she has, the more she outruns her past, success that includes becoming NBR-X’s next country act.

 Knox and Kelsey’s paths collide when an explosion at an NBR-Xevent traps them in the rubble. Now victims of a random trauma, they have to figure out how to put their lives back together. For Kelsey, it awakens her nightmares, and for Knox, it ignites in him an obsession to find the bomber.

Problem is…someone is after Kelsey, and when her past follows her into Knox’s life, threatening his family and legacy, he’ll have to choose between saving the people he loves, or becoming the protector he’s always longed to be.

Thanks for joining me today, Susan.

Once again, you have openly shared insights and suggestions to teach and encourage authors in the writing/marketing process.  I always love sitting at your feet to learn more from you. 

It sounds like you have your work cut out for you with this exciting new series coming out.  I can’t wait to read it! Thank you for generously giving of your time.

Thank you for having me today! 

If people want to get in touch with me, or check out my books they can visit  And, if any aspiring writers are reading this, stop by: for free advice on publishing a novel!